[issue463] hgwebdir should get lastchange info from repositories

Guy Brand mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Fri Dec 29 09:28:30 UTC 2006

New submission from Guy Brand <gb at isis.u-strasbg.fr>:

Context: several old CVS repositories are converted to mercurial repositories
with convert-repo, and than served as a collection of repos by hgwebdir. The
displayed last change is not useful, last commit date would be better:

~$ hg -R legendes tip
changeset:   445:9d4f5fb9cace
tag:         tip
user:        sept
date:        Mon Apr 15 12:35:01 2002 +0200
summary:     Petites corrections

~$ lynx -dump http://localhost/repos/ | grep legende
   legende unknown gb <gb at localhost> 17 hours ago

messages: 2614
nosy: gb
priority: wish
status: unread
title: hgwebdir should get lastchange info from repositories

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