Windows package and the diff tool (suggestion)

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at
Sat Nov 18 19:57:38 UTC 2006

* Shun-ichi GOTO <shunichi.goto at> [20061115 05:30]:
> On 11/15/06, Marcos Chaves <marcos.nospam at> wrote:
> >Also, if this is useful to anyone, here's how my 'hgmerge.cmd' file
> >looks like. I decided to use TortoiseMerge as my merge tool because I
> >already had it installed, and also both kdiff3 and GNU diff3 were
> >messing the EOL of my files:
> >
> >"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseMerge.exe" /mine:%1 /base:%2
> >/theirs:%3 /merged:%1
> Btw, I introduce my merge script using on windows.
> This script requires standard merge.exe, and TortoiseMerge.exe
> Try merge command first, then execute TortoiseMerge only if conflicted.

Hm, now that we know what we can use on Windows, a python based
multi-platform hgmerge is just one step away.

Any volunteers? :-)


Email: thomas at

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