[issue402] cygwin - standard windows interopability strangeness

soloturn mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Wed Oct 25 18:26:10 UTC 2006

New submission from soloturn <soloturn at gmail.com>:

i have 2 mercurials installed:
 1. 0.9.1 from http://mercurial.berkwood.com/
 2. 0.9.1 cygwin, with "python setup.py install"

cloning a repository with win-hg and then try to do a "hg rm somefile" does 
not work. there is no output, no error message and no effect on the repository.

in case you wonder why we do that:
 * cygwin allows things like "find . -name bla -exec hg remove {} \;"
 * tools like eclipse (and eclipse mercurial plugin) are on windows
   running native windows hg

messages: 2276
nosy: soloturn
priority: feature
status: unread
title: cygwin - standard windows interopability strangeness

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