[issue406] remove deprecated hg:// and old-http:// procotols

Thomas Arendsen Hein mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Fri Oct 27 13:58:47 UTC 2006

New submission from Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas at intevation.de>:

Using hg:// instead of http:// was introduced in May 2005, it yields a
deprecation warning since 0.9.1.
static-http:// instead of old-http:// was introduced in 0.9.1 and already yields
a deprecation warning.

assignedto: ThomasAH
messages: 2291
nosy: ThomasAH
priority: feature
status: unread
title: remove deprecated hg:// and old-http:// procotols
topic: http_proto, ui

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