[issue548] Performance in repository having large revisions

Shun-ichi Goto mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Sat Apr 28 07:04:32 UTC 2007

New submission from Shun-ichi Goto <shunichi.goto at gmail.com>:

In the repository which has 81043 revisions,
"hg log -l 1" or "hg parent" takes 4 or more seconds in my environment.
I feel it's very slow.

Result of 'time hg parent' and 'time hg log -l 1':
  hg parent  4.44s user 0.13s system 99% cpu 4.579 total
  hg log -l 1  4.74s user 0.13s system 99% cpu 4.880 total

"hg --profile log -l 1" says revlog.heads() consumes almost of the time.
It seems that getting tag of the revision requires heads and heads are
recalculated through 81043 revs.  Is it nessesary work?
I guess the cost above can be shrinked by cacheing or managing heads

NOTE: The repository I used is a converted repo from emacs.

files: hg-log-profile.txt
messages: 3028
nosy: gotoh
priority: wish
status: unread
title: Performance in repository having large revisions
topic: performance

Mercurial issue tracker <mercurial-bugs at selenic.com>
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