[issue858] Changeset dates incorrect when converting a Subversion repository

David J. Mellor mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Thu Dec 6 20:16:14 UTC 2007

New submission from David J. Mellor <dmellor at whistlingcat.com>:

The code in hgext/convert/subversion.py that converts a Subversion ISO-8601
timestamp into a timestamp for a Mercurial changeset is incorrect - it always
drops the final whole second digit. For example, a timestamp of the form:


becomes the following when viewed in the hg log output for the corresponding
Mercuurial changeset:

Tue Nov 06 11:29:01 2007 -0000

Enclosed is a patch that fixes this issue.

files: subversion.patch
messages: 4477
nosy: dmellor
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Changeset dates incorrect when converting a Subversion repository

Mercurial issue tracker <mercurial-bugs at selenic.com>
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