[RFC] convert-repo enhancements

Edouard Gomez ed.gomez at free.fr
Sun Feb 11 15:20:03 UTC 2007


I'd  like people  to  review my  patches  against upstream  convert-repo
before i  start putting  the last and  probably really  hacky-hacky last
feature i still require for cvs imports.

The queue changelog is now:
01 - Fix - Change a bit cvsps arguments
02 - Fix - Save a few opens on the map file
03 - Fix - Don't keep trailing white space in cvs tags
04 - Enh - Add some more smart when initializing destination repository
05 - Enh - Initialize source repository after destination one
06 - Enh - Add support for username mapping
07 - Enh - Always add tags the same branch
08 - Enh - Print an help message if needed
09 - Enh - Print tag changes
10 - Enh - Add output simple templating capability

The entire queue is attached as a bundle.

I'd also have  some advise on the  last feature i miss. I  qualify it as
hacky  because it  deals  with filtering/modifying  cvsps output  before
convert-repo reads  it. Basically, on some  repos of mine,  cvsps is not
smart enough, and it needs hand surgery.

Do  you think  that  it would  be enough  to  simply let  the user  give
convert-repo the cvsps command line ?

In that case my required feature can fit in an intermediary shell script
that won't pollute core convert-repo code.

Edouard Gomez
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