[PATCH 1 of 2] keyword: expand RCS/CVS-like keywords in local directory

Christian Ebert blacktrash at gmx.net
Thu Feb 15 13:33:00 UTC 2007

* Rafael Villar Burke on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 05:24:24 +0100:
> What would probably be a nice feature is being able to expand keywords 
> only when using hg archive with an --expand-keywords option.

Shouldn't be too difficult ... execpt ...

> That way you don't mess with keyword expansion on normal
> operation,

... except I have no idea how to add an option to an existing
command (which would be indeed the best way to do it) without
messing with hg code. Is this possible from the extension as well
(basically only the option has to be allowed, I can query the
command from the extension)? If yes, could you give some kind of
pseudo code?

> but you can get it when using archive, that I understand is
> hg's unversioned way to ease releasing the code.
> Maybe it can also help hgweb to use it when downloading tarballs from it.

That's why creating a new command, like "kwarchive", wouldn't be
the way. OTOH the extension already /does/ expand if it is

Hm. Perhaps this could be done via config, like if I had
something like

archive = expand

this would trigger expansion when archive is called.

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