keyword expansion for archive only

Christian Ebert blacktrash at
Thu Feb 22 08:40:07 UTC 2007

* Christian Ebert on Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 21:48:10 +0100:
> * Rafael Villar Burke on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 05:24:24 +0100:
>> What would probably be a nice feature is being able to expand keywords 
>> only when using hg archive with an --expand-keywords option. That way 
>> you don't mess with keyword expansion on normal operation, but you can 
>> get it when using archive, that I understand is hg's unversioned way to 
>> ease releasing the code.
> I've done this now. Not by option though, but via config:
> [keyword]
> ** = archive

Unfortunately this breaks "hg diff -r" -- not "hg diff" w/o

My uneducated simplistic guess is that this happens because
external diff is called. But for the life of me I can't figure
out what exactly happens. So if someone had a pointer/idea why
the following fails it would be nice (for me) to share it.


def reposetup()
    cmd = commands.parse(ui, sys.argv[1:])[1:][0]
    # already when I use above line w/o the next
    # hg diff -r outputs nothing even though cmd is detected
    archivemode = (repr(cmd).split()[1] == 'archive')


>> Maybe it can also help hgweb to use it when downloading tarballs from it.
> I was too optimistic in my other post about that. Perhaps I'll
> find a way.

Way too complicated for me :-(

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