graphlog node character for current parent

Joel Rosdahl joel at
Mon Jun 11 18:03:09 UTC 2007

Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas at> writes:

> Maybe a P (parent) or O (just an "o", but a special one) or H (you
> are Here) or W (working copy)? (descending order of my preference)
>  | o |  | o |  | o |  | o |
>  | | |  | | |  | | |  | | |
>  +---P  +---O  +---H  +---W
>  | |    | |    | |    | |

I think all these are worse. Sorry.

Joel Rosdahl <joel at>
Key BB845E97; fingerprint 9F4B D780 6EF4 5700 778D  8B22 0064 F9FF BB84 5E97

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