[issue591] flag to ignore .hgignore on add

Daniel mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Tue Jun 19 17:02:31 UTC 2007

New submission from Daniel <nefar at hotmail.com>:

This step does not work:
mkdir tmp; cd tmp; hg init; echo -e 'syntax: glob\n*' > 
                    .hgignore; mkdir test; touch test/testfile;mkdir 
                    test/testdir/; touch test/testdir/recurse; hg add 'glob:**'

< brendan> your .hgignore overrides inexact matches in add
< eydaimon> I *could* do find test -exec hg add {} \;
< brendan> or just move aside your .hgignore
< brendan> a flag to ignore .hgignore might be worthwhile.

I've had to do move my .hgignore several times to make way for a new directory 
so it would be useful.

messages: 3213
nosy: eydaimon
priority: feature
status: unread
title: flag to ignore .hgignore on add

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