question wrt Uncompressed streaming, hgwebdir

Edouard Gomez ed.gomez at
Tue May 8 22:06:14 UTC 2007


I'm having quite a lot of fun configuring an uncompressed hgwebdir CGI on
top of Apache.

Compared to usual repos' hgrc files, hgweb(dir) trusts everything (the
config accessors are redefined in hgweb class). It's quite ok, because as
the comments says: obeying other's whishes is ok because the server often
runs using a different user (www-data).

But looking at the comment, and what i experienced are two completly 
different things.

Setting the server:uncompressed setting in:
 - webdir.conf did nothing (not even reported as a server capability)
   not a surprise as it's not advertised as a webdir config entry
 - repo's hgrc did nothing (reported as a server capability, but then   
   denied access to the stream, returns a 1 on the wire)
 - www-data user's hgrc, all works fine !

So in the end, it's just impossible for me to enable uncompressed 
streaming on a repo base because the global user's hgrc is the only 
trusted source. Not to say, that it may not be a rare case that ~www-data 
home isn't accessible to someone that is exposing his repos through the 
usual userdir apache feature.

Is this the intended behavior or are config accessors, like the ones in 
hgweb, missing in the hgwebdir case ?

Edouard Gomez

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