[issue818] Option to see changeset summaries in push/pull/fetch

Vincent Danjean mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Fri Nov 2 20:09:20 UTC 2007

New submission from Vincent Danjean <vdanjean.ml at free.fr>:


  Here is the Debian wish bug #429829 ( http://bugs.debian.org/429829 )
As you can see in the mails, the submitter does not want a progress
indication (ie this is not issue164 http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/bts/issue164 )
but wants instead the summaries of transfered changesets.
  Michael Prokop proposes an extension that print these summaries
for pull operations (with an hook)

  Best regards,

Daniel Burrows wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 06:13:54PM +0200, Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas at intevation.de> was heard to say:
>> * Daniel Burrows <dburrows at debian.org> [20070620 15:43]:
>>>   It would be very handy if I could ask mercurial to print the summaries
>>> of changesets as it transfers them in a pull, push, or fetch command.
>>> e.g., "hg pull -v" (for verbose).
>> Just adding a self.ui.write('.\n') at the place where a changelog
>> entry is transfered raises the time to clone the mercurial
>> repository (~4600 changesets) over a local network from 13 to more
>> than 50 seconds.
>> Additionally changesets are not transferred at once, first all
>> (usually small) changelog entries get transfered, then all
>> manifests, then all file content changes, so you won't get something
>> like a progress indicator, but many lines at once and then again
>> nothing.
>   (a) I am not talking about transferring sets of thousands of changesets,
>       I am talking about the <10 that get transferred on a typical
>       push/pull.
>   (b) I don't want a progress indicator.  I want to see what the titles
>       of the changesets Mercurial downloaded are, so I can save grovelling
>       through the "hg log" output and trying to work out which changesets
>       are from the last update and which ones I already had.
>   (c) I didn't talk about making it a default (although I would not
>       oppose this), I'm happy if you add a command-line option to enable
>       it.
>   Daniel

Michael Prokop wrote:
> * Daniel Burrows <dburrows at debian.org> [20070620 16:17]:
>>   It would be very handy if I could ask mercurial to print the summaries
>> of changesets as it transfers them in a pull, push, or fetch command.
>> e.g., "hg pull -v" (for verbose).
> JFYI: We (the grml-team) have a hook which does something like that:
>   http://hg.grml.org/grml-mercurial-utils/file/tip/hgext/consolenotify.py
> When pushing to the server and with activated hook consolenotify.py
> it looks like:
> % hg push
> pushing to ssh://$SERVER/$PATH/TO/$REPOS
> searching for changes
> http://hg.grml.org/grml2hd/rev/b5e92bbda9a3 - grml2hd-bootparams: mention grub as well
> remote: adding changesets
> remote: adding manifests
> remote: adding file changes
> remote: added 1 changesets with 3 changes to 3 files
> %
> But would be really nice to have something like that available in
> upstream.
> regards,
> -mika-

messages: 4257
nosy: 429829, dburrows, mika, vdanjean
priority: wish
status: unread
title: Option to see changeset summaries in push/pull/fetch

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