pygments support in hgweb

Peter Arrenbrecht peter.arrenbrecht at
Mon Nov 5 06:22:05 UTC 2007

> Is there any interest in including this change in mercurial?

Without being in a position to look at your patch knowledgably enough
to judge its inclusion as is, I would welcome syntax highlighting in

On Nov 5, 2007 12:55 AM, Adam Hupp <adam at> wrote:
> I've modified hgweb to apply pygments syntax highlighting in the file
> revision view.  It's based on this patch[0] but has the following
> improvements:
>  * uses an external css file instead of inline styles.
>  * falls back to a plain view if pygments is not available or is disabled
>  * language determined based on file extension and contents
>  * supports striped line highlighting
> The changes are available in this repo:
> That repository is running the changes.
> One issue I ran into was an "unloaded module not callable" error
> within pygments.  This was resolved by adding
> mercurial.demandimport.disable() at the top of  That's
> probably not the right solution but I'm not sure how else to handle
> it.
> Is there any interest in including this change in mercurial?
> [0]
> --
> Adam Hupp |
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