List of last changed files...

Adam Salter adam.q.salter at
Thu Oct 4 09:33:59 UTC 2007

No ;)

On 04/10/2007, at 7:20 PM, TK Soh wrote:

> On 10/4/07, Adam Salter <adam.q.salter at> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm using and liking Mercurial, but I'm trying to work out if I'm
>> misunderstanding it.
>> We all know what "hg status" does.
>> But I want a list in exactly the same format that tells me the files
>> changes in the last commit...
>> I can sort of get this by doing "hg export tip", but I just want a
>> list of files (that I can feed to a script).
>> Is this currently possible?
> Have you tried hg tip -v?

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