[issue781] mercurial wiki: display of {{{ pre }}} broken in internet explorer

THURNER rupert mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Mon Oct 15 05:58:30 UTC 2007

New submission from THURNER rupert <rupert.thurner at gmail.com>:

mercurial wiki: display of {{{ pre }}} is broken in internet explorer, see 

an upgrade of the wiki software to recent 1.5.8 helps, we had the same problem 
in our instance and tested it.

mark to high as reading experience is bad for so many people,  this experience 
just gives bad reputation, and upgrade is very short task. current version 
seems to be 1.5.3 (http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/SystemInfo).

files: mercurial-wiki-confusion.png
messages: 4139
nosy: ThurnerRupert
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: mercurial wiki: display of {{{ pre }}} broken in internet explorer

Mercurial issue tracker <mercurial-bugs at selenic.com>
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