Interesting oddity in convert svn

Eric M. Hopper hopper at
Tue Oct 16 03:11:05 UTC 2007

In this changeset:

in this bunch of code:

+        if revnum in self.modulemap:
+            new_module = self.modulemap[revnum]
+            if new_module != self.module:
+                self.module = new_module
+                self.reparent(self.module)

it becomes fairly clear that an individual Subversion changeset is
thought to belong to either one branch or another, but not to several
branches.  This assumption is incorrect.

In revision 11 of this repository:

I have a change which does indeed simultaneously affect several branches
at the same time.  I was going through the entire repository fiddling
with keyword substitution settings.

How deeply embedded is this assumption?

A word is nothing more or less than the series of historical
connotations given to it. That's HOW we derive meaning, and to claim
that there is an arbitrary meaning of words above and beyond the way
people use them is a blatant misunderstanding of the nature of language.
-- Anonymous blogger
-- Eric Hopper (hopper at
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