0.9.5 release plans

Patrick Mézard pmezard at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 21:18:44 UTC 2007

Georg-W. Koltermann a écrit :
> Am Dienstag, den 16.10.2007, 23:36 +0200 schrieb Patrick Mézard:
>> Also, we should do something if there are no non-regexp entries in 
>> authorcolors. Looks like randomcolors would be empty and nothing would 
>> be drawn.
> So how about using a fixed value like black when the color list is
> exhausted (or initially empty)?  May also be easier to convey in the
> doc, and probably there's not too much value in having this value
> configurable.

Pushed in crew as 7dafd9ab3979, with the following changes:
- use $env(HG)
- default initialize randomcolors to {black}.

Thank you for this patch !

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