Added missing space and reformatted docstring

Martin Geisler mg at
Mon Aug 11 20:38:06 UTC 2008

Martin Geisler <mg at> writes:

> -        To reduce annotation cost,
> -        this returns fixed value(False is used) as linenumber,
> -        if "linenumber" parameter is "False".'''
> +        To reduce annotation cost, this returns fixed value (False is
> +        used) as linenumber, if "linenumber" parameter is "False".'''

What do people feel about documentation patches like this one and
would it be appreciated if I tried writing more docstrings?

I'm not talking about the mindless JavaDoc-like style where you write
repetitive stuff like "Returns the result.\n\n at return result: the
result.", but more some explanation for the central classes -- what
are they good for and how do they play together.

Martin Geisler

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