[PATCH 2 of 2] bundlerepo: fix inconsistency of parsed and internal name (issue #821)

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at intevation.de
Sun Feb 10 18:13:16 UTC 2008

* Peter Arrenbrecht <peter.arrenbrecht at gmail.com> [20080210 08:15]:
> +        if path:
> +            self._url = 'bundle:' + path + '+' + bundlename
> +        else:
> +            self._url = 'bundle:' + bundlename

Hmm, this is bundle://repo+bundle or bundle://bundle

In issue821 you say "So I suspect bundle+repo is correct." and I'd
say you're right there.

Why did you change your mind?


thomas at intevation.de - http://intevation.de/~thomas/ - OpenPGP key: 0x5816791A
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrueck - Register: Amtsgericht Osnabrueck, HR B 18998
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner

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