[issue935] long filenames in windows (uppercase, and _): warning, or hint?
THURNER rupert
mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Sat Jan 19 10:24:41 UTC 2008
New submission from THURNER rupert <rupert.thurner at gmail.com>:
thanks a lot for the http://selenic.com/hg/rev/fe41d9a186ab fix for Issue584,
long filenames in windows. it works great!
would it be possible to somehow print something more useful to point a user to
a solution of the problem? currently the output is a little frightening:
C:\Data\svn-doc>hg --version
Mercurial Distributed SCM (version d39af2eabb8c)
C:\Data\svn-doc>c:\apps\python25\Scripts\hg commit -m "initial"
trouble committing long-file-name!
transaction abort!
rollback completed
abort: No such file or directory: even-longer-filename-from-store-format
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'atomictempfile' object has no
attribute 'closed'" in <bound method atomictempfile.__del__ of
<mercurial.util.atomictempfile object at 0
x00E370F0>> ignored
messages: 4915
nosy: ThurnerRupert
priority: bug
status: unread
title: long filenames in windows (uppercase, and _): warning, or hint?
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