trac and mercurial integration using in-process hook
Jan Capek
jen at
Tue Jan 29 05:03:52 UTC 2008
I am not sure whether this is more of a devel question or user support
My question is on integrating an existing trac hack to adjust trac tickets
referenced by a particular changeset (the hook is based on
and in fact uses it as submodule)
I would like to use the this as a commit/incoming in-process python hook
(see the code
at the bottom). However, I ran into module import problems since
mercurial seems to redefine the 'import' built-in function. The trace is
attached below. This issue seems to be similar to
Could the actual problem be in the following dependency which seems to be
circular: ????
>From trac prospective: trac uses mercurial-plugin which in
turn uses mercurial
>From Mercurial prospective: mercurial uses my trackhook which uses trac.
The only solution that I currently see is to use the hook as an external
script, however this would slow down the whole process of updating
Actually, the idea is to develope an 'hgtrac' extension, that would allow
specifying where the trac repository resides and the hooks would then talk
to this particular repository based on hgrc. I would like to contribute
this to mercurial as I find this dVC very nice to use.
Any input on this topic is welcome,
---------- trace --------
joe at hp:~/junk/test-hg$ echo asdfasdf >> file1.txt ; hg ci -m "ticket
ref #1" --traceback
calling hook commit: hgtrac.hook
error: commit hook raised an exception: 'unloaded module' object is not
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/mercurial/", line 51, in
r = obj(ui=ui, repo=repo, hooktype=name, **args)
File "/home/capekj/junk/hg-hooks/", line 15, in hook
CommitHook(project = tracenv, author = user, rev = node)
File "/home/capekj/junk/hg-hooks/", line 133, in
self.env = open_environment(project)
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/", line 462, in
env = Environment(env_path)
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/", line 142, in
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/", line 65, in
ws = pkg_resources.working_set
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/mercurial/", line
74, in __getattribute__
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/mercurial/", line
46, in _load
mod = _origimport(head, globals, locals)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/", line 2552, in
working_set = WorkingSet()
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/", line 384, in
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/", line 399, in
for dist in find_distributions(entry, True):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/", line 1614, in
importer = get_importer(path_item)
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/mercurial/", line
70, in __call__
raise TypeError("'unloaded module' object is not callable")
TypeError: 'unloaded module' object is not callable
The trac repository has the mercurial plugin. My question is
whether this trac->mercurial-plugin->mercurial depedency is in
contradiction with what the
---------- commit hook ------------------------
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from mercurial import hg
from tracpostcommit import CommitHook
def hook(ui, repo, hooktype, node=None, parent1=None, parent2=None,
'''mercurial extension to manipulate track tickets associated
with particular changeset '''
user = 'joe'
CommitHook(project = tracenv, author = user, rev = node)
print>>sys.stderr, 'Commit hook, type %s, node=%s, parent1=%s,
parent2=%s ' \
% (hooktype, node, parent1, parent2)
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