[PATCH 0 of 3] convert: Built-in cvsps for hg cvs import (6).

Frank A. Kingswood frank at kingswood-consulting.co.uk
Sun Jun 8 15:12:23 UTC 2008

Patrick Mézard wrote:
> No it's more complicated and painful:
> http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/WindowsTestingPlan
www.selenic.com seems to be down at the moment.
> You are right, in this particular case, what happens is the file paths returned by cvsps.py are absoluted instead of being relative to the current module. In practice, cvsps.py is full of expectations about Unix-like file paths. I don't have the time to delve into this right now, and even a simple critical code review will probably find most of them. What I can do is provide relevant outputs from cvs tools under Windows. 
I have posted a new version of the cvsps patchset which fixes the 
whitespace issues. Few people will be running a CVS server on Windows, I 
think, so most users would not be affected, and I'm keen to get a wider 
audience for the patches - other users may find _significant_ problems.

For those sad sad people who do run a CVS server on Windows there will 
be many permutations of incompatible software to figure out:

    * win32 cvs.exe, win32 python.exe
    * win32 cvsnt.exe, win32 python.exe
    * win32 cvs.exe, cygwin python.exe
    * win32 cvsnt.exe, cygwin python.exe
    * cygwin cvs.exe, win32 python.exe
    * cygwin cvs.exe, cygwin python.exe

What fun! And I guess masochists might compile cvsnt for cygwin, and 
then there is the mcbs (big5 and other) problem which puts 0x5c in 
two-byte characters.

Possibly the last case already runs correctly. On the other cases, the 
correct solution may not always be to use os.sep.
> Here is a customized trace of a cvsps.py call. Lines in quotes 
Can you turn on the ui.debug statement in line 147 of cvsps.py?
Also, it is probably necessary to print out repr(prefix) and repr(cmd), 
on or near line 143.


Frank A. Kingswood                      frank at kingswood-consulting.co.uk
Cambridge, United Kingdom                               +44-7943-217 571

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