Windows long path experimenting report

Patrick Mézard pmezard at
Fri Jun 20 09:53:05 UTC 2008

Adrian Buehlmann a écrit :
> On 20.06.2008 10:18, Patrick Mézard wrote:
>> Adrian Buehlmann a écrit :
> Should I abandon trying the \\?\.. thing now?

No, since you just prove my assumptions were partially wrong.

The inability to remove a repository from command line is a bit of a pain, but if it works from Windows Explorer, then it's fine. Not everybody have this kind of repo, and it's a small price to pay.

The filename transformation when copying a repository is more problematic because it breaks it and this case is likely to happen with backup tools.

So, the situation is still not good but it's not a complete dead end yet.

Patrick Mézard

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