Google Summer of Code & Partial cloning

Frédéric fred.rec at
Wed Mar 19 10:49:10 UTC 2008


I am a french student, currently studying in Finland.
I'm also Mercurial user and I discovered that you are selected to take
part in the Google summer of code 2008.

I find the subject about partial cloning pretty interesting.
Personally I've ever been disappointed in not being able to use this
feature that is present in some others version control systems (like
Subversion for instance).

I have a good knowledge of Python and I have ever done a successful
Google summer of code last year.

Unfortunately, I have some exams to take this week and I'm sorry for
not having enough time to give you more details.
But I will give you more informations about my ideas and my skills
related to this project as soon as possible.


Frédéric Rechtenstein (Mc2 on IRC)

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