[RFC] qdelete -> qpromote?

Brendan Cully brendan at kublai.com
Wed May 21 19:59:35 UTC 2008

I'd like to throw another hat into the ring :)

I agree that qexport is nicely symmetrical with qimport, _and_ that it
is really different from export, and therefore confusing.

I don't really like qpromote because it's not obvious whether promote
means "become managed by MQ" or "become a regular changeset".

I'd like to suggest "qunmanage" for qdel -r, and "qmanage" for qimport
-r (keeping the old forms around at least for a while for

On Wednesday, 21 May 2008 at 14:52, Ezra.Smith at bentley.com wrote:
> I prefer qexport because the "symmetrical commands" argument works both
> ways. qexport points you toward qimport, and qimport points you toward
> qexport.
> When I first used MQ, I worked through a standard tutorial...qinit,
> qnew, make some changes, here's your patch, now use qdelete to commit it
> for real. I didn't find qdelete difficult to discover, because there it
> was, right in the tutorial. Strange command, but I accepted it and moved
> on.
> It was a while before I realized that I could use the
> inverse-but-not-by-name operation "qimport" to take changesets and turn
> them into patches, and that's the behavior that I found most exciting
> about MQ. My original guess at qimport's functionality was "Oh, qimport,
> I bet it lets me import patches from another queue somehow."
> +1 for qexport
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mercurial-devel-bounces at selenic.com
> [mailto:mercurial-devel-bounces at selenic.com] On Behalf Of Adrian
> Buehlmann
> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 11:52 AM
> To: Dirkjan Ochtman
> Cc: mercurial-devel at selenic.com
> Subject: Re: [RFC] qdelete -> qpromote?
> On 21.05.2008 14:09, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:
> > Usage of qdel with -r (promoting MQ changesets to normal hg
> changesets) is a
> > little weird, because "saving to history" isn't exactly congruent with
> command
> > called "delete" or "remove". I propose we move the -r functionality
> out of qdel
> > into a new command called qpromote, which takes one argument (the
> revision or
> > revision range to promote). Possibly, there could be a default of
> qbase:qtip if
> > no argument is specified. I think this makes an important MQ command
> much easier
> > to discover for new users, and, especially with the default argument,
> easier to
> > use.
> qpromote is good.
> "hg qdelete -r qbase:qtip" is really obscure/scaring.
> When I first read
> http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/MqExtension#head-5590c3c
> 0753d1b3eed01462eff24a6eeb90d34cb
> I really felt like looking at the wrong thing.
> So, +1 for qpromote
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