[issue1385] transplant doesn't merge across renames

Brodie Rao mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Wed Nov 12 19:44:42 UTC 2008

New submission from Brodie Rao <dackze at gmail.com>:

Using mainline, given these scenarios:

# Test merging across renames
echo '% test transplant rename merge'
hg init t2
cd t2
echo a > a
hg ci -Am adda
hg mv a b
hg ci -m movea
echo b >> b
hg ci -m appendb
hg up -r 0
hg branch old
hg transplant -m 2
cd ..

# Test merging across directory renames
echo '% test transplant directory rename merge'
hg init t3
cd t3
mkdir x
echo a > x/a
hg ci -Am adda
mkdir y
hg mv x/a y/a
hg ci -m movea
echo b >> y/a
hg ci -m appendb
hg up -r 0
hg branch old
hg transplant -m 2
cd ..

Both of these will fail with something like:

applying 797fe78627d1
unable to find 'b' for patching
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b.rej
b: No such file or directory
patch failed to apply
abort: Fix up the merge and run hg transplant --continue

It should be able to track these renames, as a normal merge does, right?

messages: 7892
nosy: brodie
priority: bug
status: unread
title: transplant doesn't merge across renames
topic: merge, surprise

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