[issue1598] hg win-1.2.1: incoming failed on bundle

AlexRayne mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Mon Apr 6 07:35:42 UTC 2009

New submission from AlexRayne <AlexRaynePE196 at lavabit.com>:

thats i have done step by step:
1) create a copy of a repo, and pop all mq patches from one
2) in original repo accept all patches with qfinish
3) in original repo create an bundle file from some --base rev3 - wich was prior
4) in a copyed and poped repo try "hg incoming --bundle ..\repo\bundle"
and this is failed with a message that it cant find repository default

messages: 9003
nosy: AlexRayne
priority: bug
status: unread
title: hg win-1.2.1: incoming failed on bundle
topic: 1.2

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