EOL extension and patch.eol

Patrick Mézard pmezard at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 21:56:25 UTC 2009

Le 08/12/09 20:49, Martin Geisler a écrit :
>> Ideally I'd like to be able to say "all C++ and Python files should be
>> native eol, but please leave .foo files alone even though they look
>> like text". If I say that in my .hgeol file, I expect .foo files to be
>> treated exactly as they would if I hadn't enabled the eol extension or
>> changed the patch.eol setting from its default of "strict".
> As far as I can see, the only consequence of a patch.eol=auto setting
> would be that you would be able to import patches with the wrong EOLs.
> The sequence would go something like that:
> 1) a.foo has LF in the repository
> 2) a clone is made and a.foo is written to working directory with LF
> 3) a patch in CRLF format is applied -- no problem, the patch is
>    normalized to LF and a.foo is still in LF after patching.
> Does that sounds correct?


Patrick Mézard

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