transpant and keywords together

Matt Mackall mpm at
Mon Dec 21 17:11:54 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 14:21 +0100, Berkes Adam wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with transplant extension when keyword extension is 
> also active. When a changeset contains a file which has an expandable 
> keyword transplant is going to apply the file to the destination branch 
> as keyword is in expanded state (the source changeset is correct, 
> repository contains the shrinked version).
> Is this a known problem/issue? There is any know workaround for this 
> (except turning keywords off during a transpant which is complicated and 
> time consuming in our workflow)?
> I've saw forum post about the subject which was rather old, so I'm not 
> sure it is a forgotten one or simply it never raised as a problem?
> I can reproduce it with 1.3.1/1.4.1 as well.

First we've heard of it here, but it's not surprising. We haven't tested
the cross-product of extension interactions and the keyword extension is
one of the more invasive ones.

I strongly recommend that people migrate away from using keywords,
except where obligated to use them by law. There are better ways to do
what keywords do and any implementation of keywords will have
significant complexity and performance impacts.

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