[PATCH 1 of 2] acl: upgrade comments to python doc, accessible to online help

Cedric Duval cedricduval at free.fr
Thu Jun 18 06:32:28 UTC 2009

timeless wrote:
> 2009/6/18 Cédric Duval <cedricduval at free.fr>:
> > +'''this hook allows to allow or deny access to parts of a repo

> allows <who> ?

> and please avoid using both 'allows' and 'allow' together in different
> roles

The first patch you are replying to here is just a basic/mechanical
conversion from old source comments into Python documentation. Those
are later improved in the second patch, and some of the things you
are commenting on here just went away.

I splitted in two patches to make it easier for reviewers to see what
changed. Sorry if that wasn't clear, and thanks again for your comments. :)


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