[PATCH 1 of 4] help: adding a new help topic about extensions

timeless timeless at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 04:36:47 UTC 2009

2009/6/20 Cédric Duval <cedricduval at free.fr>:
> diff --git a/mercurial/help.py b/mercurial/help.py
> +    '''Return the top python documentation for the given file'''

i'd write "a given file"

and i'm not sure about "top", perhaps "first" or "top-level"?

> +    '''Find the extensions shipped with Mercurial but not enabled

if this were a sentence, i'd wrote "but that are not enabled"

I ended up with this:
Find all available Mercurial shipped extensions that are not enabled

> +    Returns extensions names and descriptions, and the max name length

I'm not a fan of "max name length", "length of the longest name"?

> +    Mercurial has an extension mechanism for adding new features.
> +
> +    To enable an extension "foo" bundled with Mercurial, create an
> +    entry for it your hgrc, like this:

I reference to hg help for hgrc would probably be a good idea :)

And to the conversation about how to find it, hg help hgrc doesn't
work, having played with git recently, it's the only command I tried,
and at this point, I give up :). [Actually, i tried hg help .hgrc too,
that didn't work either]

> +        doc += _('\nnon-enabled extensions:\n\n')

I'd rather "available extensions" if you're looking for terse, I'll
note that your help text didn't use "non-enabled" (it's awkward), if
you want a word, it's "disabled".

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