GSoC: hg and git interoperability (status report)

Augie Fackler durin42 at
Tue Jun 23 23:05:30 UTC 2009

On Jun 23, 2009, at 4:45 PM, Abderrahim Kitouni wrote:

> Hi all,
> Another week, another status update.
> Today I finished most of the refactoring I intended to do.
> Now, I think it feels intuitive to someone who knows hg well, and  
> has already
> tried git. I'll try to explain here what it does (I'll update the  
> doc later),
> any suggestion on how to make it better are welcome.

Excellent, I think that's a good direction.

> When cloning/pulling, one gets a bookmark for each branch in the git
> repository and, if the remote repository is in the paths section of  
> hgrc, a
> local tag <remote_name>/<branch> (Q: should this be configurable?  
> should
> 'default' be replaced by 'origin' in these tags to feel more like  
> git?)

My feeling is that default instead of origin is fine. Nothing to stop  
a user from having a path named 'origin' that is the same as default.

> When pulling, the bookmarks for already existing branches are moved to
> the new head if the branch hasn't diverged.

Very nice.

> When pushing, a diverging branch causes a warning and isn't pushed,  
> but the
> rest is pushed normally (even new branches).

I suspect we'll need to come up with some kind of plan regarding the  
difference between our push --force and git's (for the uninitiated,  
git's push --force does a sort of implicit strip operation)

> Next week, I plan to add tests and update documentation (and fix a  
> bug related
> to lossless conversion).

Tests sound like a fantastic next step.

> My branch can be found at

I'll try using this soon.

Scott, do you have any particular feedback at this point? I'm  
interested to see if you have any thoughts.

> Regards,
> Abderrahim
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