[issue1541] When sudoing, hg takes/trusts the wrong .hgrc

Antoine Pitrou mercurial-bugs at selenic.com
Fri Mar 6 18:09:15 UTC 2009

New submission from Antoine Pitrou <pitrou at free.fr>:

This is a funny bug.
When you sudo into another account (let's say "antoine" does "sudo -s -u
robert"), and then run hg for whatever task, hg takes the configuration file of
the original user (~antoine/.hgrc) and trusts it.
However, given a repository-specific configuration file (.hg/hgrc) owned by the
same original user, hg will complain that the user can't be trusted and ignore
the repo-specific configuration.

messages: 8759
nosy: pitrou
priority: bug
status: unread
title: When sudoing, hg takes/trusts the wrong .hgrc

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