[issue1865] mq - pushing(qpush) patches that add or remove files fails

MNemo bugs at mercurial.selenic.com
Sun Oct 11 14:42:36 UTC 2009

New submission from MNemo <mnemo at united-bits.de>:

pushing patches add/remove files ends with all add/remove-file-changes
'hg st' results in:
A file of Patch X
A file of Patch Y
R …

How to reproduce:
hg init

hg qnew patch1
echo newFile > file1
hg add file1
hg qrefresh
hg st                   # no out put

hg qnew patch2
echo newFile > file2
hg add file2
hg qrefresh
hg st                   # no out put

hg qpop -a
hg qgoto patch2         # or hg qpush patch2

hg st                   # XXX
# output is:
# A file1
# A file2

messages: 10742
nosy: MNemo
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: mq - pushing(qpush) patches that add or remove files fails
topic: mq

Mercurial issue tracker <bugs at mercurial.selenic.com>

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