[issue1887] When pushing inside a subrepo directory, the master/main repo substate is not updated

Alan Boudreault bugs at mercurial.selenic.com
Tue Oct 27 11:23:46 UTC 2009

New submission from Alan Boudreault <nixsoftdev at gmail.com>:

When pushing changeset inside a subrepo directory, the master/main repo
substate is not updated automatically. That's a problem.. because if I
didn't make another "unuseful" commit/push from the master/main repo just to
update the substates,...... and that I do a clone somewhere else of the main
repo.. my subrepo wont be the latest revision. I'll need to do a manual "hg

It would be nice to get things done automagically.

messages: 10836
nosy: qnix
priority: bug
status: unread
title: When pushing inside a subrepo directory, the master/main repo substate is not updated

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