[patch] mq: .hg/patches/status -> .hg/mqstatus

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Tue Aug 24 12:29:24 UTC 2010

On 08/24/2010 12:15 PM, Hermann Lauer wrote:
> Hello all,
> appended is a primilary patch against 1.6.2 which moves
> .hg/patches/status to .hg/mqstatus.
> Rationale is that with mq there are two nested repositories, and the
> data of the (mq)status file belongs to the outer repository, as
> the contained hashes are defined in terms of the outer repository
> and has no meaning without the outer repo.
> This allows linking of the patches directory into different
> versions of a software or testing on multiple architectures with shared
> filesystems, as discussed in
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.mercurial.general/17688/focus=17696
> which contained a 1.5 version patch.
> Sounds the proposed move of the (mq)status file feasible ?
> So far I found no problems while using mq with that patches, but I'm
> no expert with the inner workings of mercurial.

You will get unexpected problems anyway if you have the same patch 
applied in two repos and edit it in both places. To handle such 
conflicts you need some kind of versioning of the patch queue - and that 
is exactly what we have and is the recommended solution to the problem.

Moving the status file will not be backward compatible and is thus not 
an option.

But couldn't you just create the status file as a symlink?


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