[issue2025] qrefresh does not honor matcher arguments or --short in slow path
Patrick Mézard <bugs@mercurial.selenic.com> at mercurial.selenic.com
Patrick Mézard <bugs@mercurial.selenic.com> at mercurial.selenic.com
Sat Feb 6 10:02:13 UTC 2010
New submission from Patrick Mézard <pmezard at gmail.com>:
To reproduce the issue:
echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH
hg init repo
cd repo
echo a > a
echo b > b
hg ci -Am addab
echo a >> a
echo b >> b
hg qnew -f patch
hg up -C 0
echo c > c
hg ci -Am addc
hg up -C 1
echo '% refresh in slow path'
hg qrefresh -I b
echo '% status after refresh'
hg st
echo '% export after refresh'
hg export .
hg qpop
hg qpush
echo '% refresh in fast path'
hg qrefresh -I b
echo '% status after refresh'
hg st
echo '% export after refresh'
hg export .
messages: 11614
nosy: pmezard
priority: bug
status: unread
title: qrefresh does not honor matcher arguments or --short in slow path
topic: mq
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