
Matt Mackall mpm at
Wed Nov 10 21:40:09 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 10:34 -0500, Nick Sergeant wrote:

> Here's what I want to do:
>       * Redesign
>       * Rewrite the front-end code
>       * Get rid of JavaScript font replacement, using @font-face
>         instead
>       * Look at the existing information architecture and make
>         suggestions for improvements

We talked about this a bit at the last sprint. Here's where I'd like to
see us go:

* make the wiki content better and more usable (we've recently made a
lot of headway here)
* retheme the wiki
* make the static site façade thinner
* move things off the static site onto the wiki where possible (the
workflow and tutorial stuff for starters)

In an ideal world:

* the façade would be just a couple pages
* it would merge seamlessly with the wiki so that the only difference is
the edit button
* the wiki content would be curated to decent level of consistency and

There are really three places where bulk content should be:

* built-in help
* the book 
* the wiki (everything that doesn't fit or hasn't made it into the

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