Startup time is regressing

Georg Brandl g.brandl at
Tue Nov 16 09:03:03 UTC 2010

Am 16.11.2010 04:14, schrieb Greg Ward:
> [me, whinging about]
>> Now I just wish someone would modify the upstream so this
>> is fixed once and for all.
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at> wrote:
>> From what I can see, you still have commit permission...
> Yes, but I no longer know the rules.  I don't know what to commit
> where.  I tried searching for some documentation shortly before the
> 2.7 release, because I had a patch I wanted to commit, but I couldn't
> find anything.  Asked for help on python-dev (which I do not have time
> to follow), to no avail.  I only have the time and energy to
> participate in one big, active open source project at a time.  Right
> now, I'm having too much fun hacking on Mercurial, so that means no
> Python hacking for me.  ;-(

Hey, since we're going to migrate to Mercurial soon, it will become
easier again :)


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