[BUG] The -f option to qnew has been removed

Peter Williams pwil3058 at bigpond.net.au
Fri Nov 19 01:39:09 UTC 2010

The behaviour of qnew no longer conforms to the description on page 235 
of "Mercurial, The Definitive Guide" due to the removal of the -f option 
to this command.

This is a bad thing as it allows a user to inadvertently create a new 
patch that contains changes that were intended for the current patch if 
they forget to do a qrefresh before creating the new patch.

The original behaviour, that required the -f flag to be used if the user 
intended any outstanding changes to be included in the new patch, is 
considered (by me) to be superior to the new behaviour as it provides 
the user with more flexibility and defends against unintended consequences.


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