convert extension: filemap vs filesize

Christian Olrog christian.olrog at
Fri Oct 15 11:39:44 UTC 2010

This could be a good start - The issue for me is that I would have to do the command for all changesets to enable clearing of files not present in latest changeset. 

At least for convertees from e.g. svn where the policy has been to include everything this can be a rather big issue.

I just glanced at filemap - if there is an easy way to get the size of the file it should be fairly simple fix.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mads Kiilerich [mailto:mads at] 
Sent: den 15 oktober 2010 13:22
To: Christian Olrog
Cc: mercurial-devel at
Subject: Re: convert extension: filemap vs filesize

On 10/15/2010 10:37 AM, Christian Olrog wrote:
> Hi,
> Would it be a big change to add a file size to exclude lines in filemap?
> With this in place I assume it would be possible to convert an hg repo 
> with lots of big binary history into a new hg repo with less...

I am not sure a hard limit will be very useful. There will always be exceptions anyway - and what happens if a file starts out small and suddenly grows over the limit?

Instead I suggest doing something like
   find * -size +10M | sed 's,^,exclude ,g' >> filemap and edit the filemap if needed.

Something like
   ls -lrS $(find .hg -type f)
can be handy to see what might have been missed.


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