hg-i18n at 15608: 5 outgoing changesets

Mercurial Commits hg at intevation.org
Sun Dec 11 12:00:06 UTC 2011

5 outgoing changesets in hg-i18n:

changeset:   15608:7c3bfa8105dc
tag:         tip
user:        Fabian Kreutz <fabian.kreutz at qvantel.com>
date:        Sat Dec 10 20:48:33 2011 +0200
summary:     i18n-de: Error reported by Mathias Goldau and commit msg shortened

changeset:   15607:5b6d8f42f4f0
user:        Fabian Kreutz <fabian.kreutz at qvantel.com>
date:        Sat Dec 10 20:22:33 2011 +0200
summary:     i18n-de: mostly update fuzzies

changeset:   15606:912525f7b8e2
user:        Alexander Sauta <demosito at gmail.com>
date:        Thu Dec 08 00:05:24 2011 +0300
summary:     i18n-ru: eol, fetch, color, LargeFiles, gpg, keywords translated

changeset:   15605:04425770d162
user:        Alexander Sauta <demosito at gmail.com>
date:        Fri Nov 18 21:19:05 2011 +0300
summary:     i18n-ru: glossary added, acl translation fixed

changeset:   15604:a2edccdfb86a
user:        Andrey Somov <py4fun at gmail.com>
date:        Thu Nov 10 22:05:02 2011 +0100
summary:     i18n-ru: update translation

Repository URL: http://bitbucket.org/mg/hg-i18n

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