[i18n-ru] My plans to edit Russian translation according to coordinated vocabulary

Alexander Sauta demosito at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 20:43:27 UTC 2011

Ok, I briefly reviewed the changesets and they seem to be fine. I will
read it more carefully tomorrow and then we'll coordinate the further

I also would like you to think about the way of marking strings, which
must not be translated (e.g. debug messages, code snippets, etc.) so
that we could see how much strings are really there to translate and
navigate file easier. I found several hundreds of such strings in .po

Radical way is to remove _() from source, but I don't think it's acceptable.

The obvious way is to add some standard comment, like
NO-TRANSLATION-REQUIRED and then use msggrep -v -C
NO-TRANSLATION-REQUIRED to extract only strings which need to be
translated. Running

msggrep -v -C NO-TRANSLATION-REQUIRED i18n/ru.po | msgattrib
--untranslated >ru.po.untranslated

will give us a file with only untranslated strings, where we can add
translation and then merge it back into ru.po.

However, this way seems awkward to me, maybe there is a better solution?

Alexander Sauta

2011/12/13 Andrei Polushin <polushin at gmail.com>:
> 09.12.2011 18:21, Andrei Polushin wrote:
>> I’m currently planning to edit the Russian translation according to the
>> coordinated vocabulary [1].
>> [1] http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/TranslatingMercurialIntoRussian
> OK, I've completed the major changes for now, including spell checking and
> replacing the translations of the following words:
>  * branch
>  * store
>  * repository
>  * remote
>  * directory
>  * commit
>  * push
>  * pull
> The results has been pushed into the clone owned by Alexander Sauta for
> public review:
>  https://bitbucket.org/demosito/hg-i18n-ru/changesets
> Other replacements are planned after the vocabulary discussion is complete,
> participate here:
>  http://selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial-devel/2011-December/036256.html
> From now on, I don't need an exclusive access to the translation file.
> --
> Andrei Polushin

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