[i18n-ru] My plans to edit Russian translation according to coordinated vocabulary

Martin Geisler mg at lazybytes.net
Thu Dec 15 08:25:25 UTC 2011

Alexander Sauta <demosito at gmail.com> writes:

> 2011/12/14 Martin Geisler <mg at lazybytes.net>:
>> Alexander Sauta <demosito at gmail.com> writes:
>> (Sending back to the list.)
>>> Yep, bugzilla is one examle. There are more, like command line
>>> examles, config sections headers.
>>> However, it seems that there are less of them that I thought. So maybe
>>> it's not a big deal and we cant just ignore them, fix in source or
>>> copy english string into msgstr.
>>> I don't think that removing bugzilla help is a good idea.
>> Okay, then we'll leave things as they are. But please let us know if you
>> run into debug output or silly things that should not be translated.
> Ok, we'll probably make a long list of such strings later, after the
> translation of needed strings is finished.

I did not find that to be a problem in the Danish translation. I just
adopted the msgid as the msgstr directly and that's it. Of course it's
repeated work since we'll do this for all languages, but at least in
Emacs, it's a simple key combination to do this and jump to the next

Martin Geisler

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