hg-i18n at 14692: 3 outgoing changesets (2 stable)

Mercurial Commits hg at intevation.org
Tue Jun 21 11:00:05 UTC 2011

3 outgoing changesets (2 stable) in hg-i18n:

changeset:   14692:219273cc548d
tag:         tip
parent:      14686:6ab8b17adc03
user:        Alexander Sauta <demosito at gmail.com>
date:        Tue Jun 21 01:49:45 2011 +0400
summary:     i18n-ru: translated new config.txt

changeset:   14691:a8de2eecd50a
branch:      stable
user:        Wagner Bruna <wbruna at softwareexpress.com.br>
date:        Mon Jun 20 17:00:04 2011 -0300
summary:     i18n-pt_BR: messages from crew f9c056f48018

changeset:   14690:e6a6e7ebd585
branch:      stable
user:        Wagner Bruna <wbruna at softwareexpress.com.br>
date:        Mon Jun 20 16:56:15 2011 -0300
summary:     i18n-pt_BR: synchronized with 15200b46165b

Repository URL: http://bitbucket.org/mg/hg-i18n

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