Dealing consistently with subrepositories

Isaac Jurado diptongo at
Wed Mar 30 15:15:58 UTC 2011

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Martin Geisler <mg at> wrote:
> so manifest and locate should recurse iff status does.

Maybe it's my configuration, but there is an annoying quirk of status
without -S: it doesn't show when .hgsubstate has changed.  Therefore,
if you don't do "hg st -S" you don't have feedback about subrepository
commit (either recursed or just .hgsubstate) until your editor fires
up on "hg ci".  Moreover, if you use "hg ci -m" you don't have
feedback until the commit is done.

Apart from that, I find a bit of dilemma on the automatic recursion on
commit or not.  On one hand there is the duplicated commit message
issue, which is... not elegant.  And on the other hand it is quite
convenient, specially when you work with people that don't really care
too much about version control.


Isaac Jurado

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding"
Leonardo da Vinci

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