[PATCH 4 of 5] convert: tests, coding style

Yury Sulsky yury.sulsky at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 21:26:49 UTC 2011

# HG changeset patch
# User Yury Sulsky <yury.sulsky at gmail.com>
# Date 1322302263 18000
# Branch stable
# Node ID 74583e9f7f75bfa7b1a3c46ed3f81454e509a731
# Parent  2df534369f9638116ceb745155096b2dfe9c2cb2
convert: tests, coding style

diff -r 2df534369f96 -r 74583e9f7f75 hgext/convert/__init__.py
--- a/hgext/convert/__init__.py	Sat Nov 26 01:35:38 2011 -0500
+++ b/hgext/convert/__init__.py	Sat Nov 26 05:11:03 2011 -0500
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
     files with the output from an external command. This allows you to
     e.g.  insert a copyright statement at the beginning of every
     document or to strip out sensitive data from a repository. The
-    command is invoked with the (possibly renamed) file name as a
-    command-line argument and the contents of the file piped into its
-    standard input.
+    command is invoked with the FNAME environment variable set to the
+    (possibly renamed) file name and the contents of the file piped
+    into its standard input.
     The splicemap is a file that allows insertion of synthetic
     history, letting you specify the parents of a revision. This is
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     The includerevs and excluderevs options allow you to choose which
     revisions you would like to appear in the converted repository.
     The arguments to these commands are files with a revision from the
-    source repository on each line. Note that these directives are 
+    source repository on each line. Note that these directives are
     only advisory, and in certain situations (i.e. merge nodes and
     branch endings) the revisions will be converted regardless.
diff -r 2df534369f96 -r 74583e9f7f75 hgext/convert/filtermap.py
--- a/hgext/convert/filtermap.py	Sat Nov 26 01:35:38 2011 -0500
+++ b/hgext/convert/filtermap.py	Sat Nov 26 05:11:03 2011 -0500
@@ -257,28 +257,42 @@
 class filtermap_source(filtermap_base):
     def __init__(self, ui, base, inrevs = None, outrevs = None, filemap = None):
         super(filtermap_source, self).__init__(ui, base)
-        self.inrevs  = self.read_revset(inrevs)  if inrevs  else None
-        self.outrevs = self.read_revset(outrevs) if outrevs else None
-        self.filemapper = filemapper(ui, filemap) if filemap else None
-    def read_revset(self, fname):
+        if inrevs:
+            self.inrevs = self.parserevset(inrevs)
+        else:
+            self.inrevs = None
+        if outrevs:
+            self.outrevs = self.parserevset(outrevs)
+        else:
+            self.outrevs = None
+        if filemap is not None:
+            self.filemapper = filemapper(ui, filemap)
+        else:
+            self.filemapper = None
+    def parserevset(self, fname):
         def parse(line):
             line = line.strip()
             ret = self.base.lookuprev(line)
             if ret is None:
                 self.ui.warn(_("Can't find revision %s." % line))
             return ret
-        with open(fname, 'r') as fp:
+        fp = open(fname, 'r')
+        try:
             return set([parse(line) for line in fp])
-    def want_rev(self, rev):
+        finally:
+            fp.close()
+    def wantrev(self, rev):
         if self.inrevs  is not None and rev not in self.inrevs:
             return False
         if self.outrevs is not None and rev     in self.outrevs:
             return False
         return True
-    def want_files(self, rev, i):
+    def wantfiles(self, rev, i):
         if self.filemapper is None:
             return True
@@ -291,9 +305,9 @@
         return False
     def wanted(self, rev, i):
-        return self.want_rev(rev) and self.want_files(rev, i)
-    def filemap_changes(self, changes):
+        return self.wantrev(rev) and self.wantfiles(rev, i)
+    def filemapchanges(self, changes):
         if self.filemapper is None:
             return changes
@@ -323,18 +337,15 @@
         changes = super(filtermap_source, self).getchanges(rev)
         if isinstance(changes, basestring):
             return changes
-        return self.filemap_changes(changes)
+        return self.filemapchanges(changes)
     def getfile(self, name, rev):
-        source_name = name
+        sourcename = name
         if self.filemapper is not None:
-            source_name, rev = rev
-        file = super(filtermap_source, self).getfile(source_name, rev)
-        preprocess = self.filemapper.preprocessor(source_name)
+            sourcename, rev = rev
+        data, mode = super(filtermap_source, self).getfile(sourcename, rev)
+        preprocess = self.filemapper.preprocessor(sourcename)
         if preprocess is not None:
-            cmd = preprocess + ' ' + util.shellquote(name)
-            data, mode = file
-            data = util.pipefilter(data, cmd)
-            file = data, mode
-        return file
+            data = util.pipefilter(data, preprocess, env={'FNAME': name})
+        return data, mode
diff -r 2df534369f96 -r 74583e9f7f75 mercurial/util.py
--- a/mercurial/util.py	Sat Nov 26 01:35:38 2011 -0500
+++ b/mercurial/util.py	Sat Nov 26 05:11:03 2011 -0500
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
         setattr(obj, self.name, result)
         return result
-def pipefilter(s, cmd):
+def pipefilter(s, cmd, env=None):
     '''filter string S through command CMD, returning its output'''
-    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=closefds,
+    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=closefds, env=env,
                          stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
     pout, perr = p.communicate(s)
     return pout
diff -r 2df534369f96 -r 74583e9f7f75 tests/test-convert-filemap.t
--- a/tests/test-convert-filemap.t	Sat Nov 26 01:35:38 2011 -0500
+++ b/tests/test-convert-filemap.t	Sat Nov 26 05:11:03 2011 -0500
@@ -232,36 +232,38 @@
   > rename dir dir2
   > include foo
   > include copied
+  > preprocess copied "sh -c 'echo == \$FNAME ==; sed -e s/foo/goo/'"
   > rename foo foo2
   > rename copied copied2
   > exclude dir/subdir
   > include dir/subdir/file3
   > EOF
+  $ cat > excludes <<EOF
+  > 2
+  > EOF
   $ rm source/.hg/store/data/dir/file3.i
   $ rm source/.hg/store/data/dir/file4.i
   $ hg -q convert --filemap renames.fmap --datesort source dummydest
   abort: data/dir/file3.i at e96dce0bc6a2: no match found!
-  $ hg -q convert --filemap renames.fmap --datesort --config convert.hg.ignoreerrors=1 source renames.repo
+  $ hg -q convert --filemap renames.fmap --datesort --excluderevs excludes --config convert.hg.ignoreerrors=1 source renames.repo
   ignoring: data/dir/file3.i at e96dce0bc6a2: no match found
   ignoring: data/dir/file4.i at 6edd55f559cd: no match found
   $ hg up -q -R renames.repo
   $ glog -R renames.repo
-  @  4 "8: change foo" files: foo2
-  |
-  o  3 "6: change foo baz" files: foo2
-  |
-  o  2 "2: change foo" files: foo2
+  @  3 "8: change foo" files: foo2
+  |
+  o  2 "6: change foo baz" files: foo2
   o  1 "1: add bar quux; copy foo to copied" files: copied2
   o  0 "0: add foo baz dir/" files: dir2/file dir2/subdir/file3 foo2
   $ hg -R renames.repo manifest --debug
-  d43feacba7a4f1f2080dde4a4b985bd8a0236d46 644   copied2
+  69fe3a26aa7ad8afbe05fbf0fe79022def79a065 644   copied2
   3e20847584beff41d7cd16136b7331ab3d754be0 644   dir2/file
   5fe139720576e18e34bcc9f79174db8897c8afe9 644   dir2/subdir/file3
-  9a7b52012991e4873687192c3e17e61ba3e837a3 644   foo2
+  e6d67dcac8d3a55a337bef9def344d7d339d45ae 644   foo2
   $ hg --cwd renames.repo debugrename copied2
   copied2 renamed from foo2:2ed2a3912a0b24502043eae84ee4b279c18b90dd
@@ -273,7 +275,8 @@
   $ hg --cwd renames.repo cat copied2
-  foo
+  == copied2 ==
+  goo
 filemap errors
diff -r 2df534369f96 -r 74583e9f7f75 tests/test-convert.t
--- a/tests/test-convert.t	Sat Nov 26 01:35:38 2011 -0500
+++ b/tests/test-convert.t	Sat Nov 26 05:11:03 2011 -0500
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
         rename path/to/source path/to/destination
+        preprocess path/to/file-or-dir "preprocess-command"
       Comment lines start with "#". A specified path matches if it equals the
       full relative name of a file or one of its parent directories. The
       "include" or "exclude" directive with the longest matching path applies,
@@ -89,6 +91,13 @@
       a file or directory if it is converted. To rename from a subdirectory into
       the root of the repository, use "." as the path to rename to.
+      The "preprocess" directive replaces the contents of specified files with
+      the output from an external command. This allows you to e.g.  insert a
+      copyright statement at the beginning of every document or to strip out
+      sensitive data from a repository. The command is invoked with the FNAME
+      environment variable set to the (possibly renamed) file name and the
+      contents of the file piped into its standard input.
       The splicemap is a file that allows insertion of synthetic history,
       letting you specify the parents of a revision. This is useful if you want
       to e.g. give a Subversion merge two parents, or graft two disconnected
@@ -120,6 +129,13 @@
       can be used to (for instance) move code in one repository from "default"
       to a named branch.
+      The includerevs and excluderevs options allow you to choose which
+      revisions you would like to appear in the converted repository. The
+      arguments to these commands are files with a revision from the source
+      repository on each line. Note that these directives are only advisory, and
+      in certain situations (i.e. merge nodes and branch endings) the revisions
+      will be converted regardless.
       Mercurial Source
@@ -256,6 +272,8 @@
       --filemap FILE     remap file names using contents of file
       --splicemap FILE   splice synthesized history into place
       --branchmap FILE   change branch names while converting
+      --includerevs FILE convert only these revisions
+      --excluderevs FILE exclude these revsisions from the conversion
       --branchsort       try to sort changesets by branches
       --datesort         try to sort changesets by date
       --sourcesort       preserve source changesets order

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