[PATCH RESEND] largefiles: speed up the check if largefiles should be added to repo requirements

Dominik Psenner dpsenner at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 15:59:56 UTC 2011

On 10/28/2011 05:23 PM, Na'Tosha Bard wrote:
> But in any case, I do think your patch should go in (even if I think it
> can be extended a bit, and probably make some other use cases faster).

I agree with you here.

For now it's just an improvement that speeds up things in a corner case
of largefiles. It definitely needs more refactoring because it is rather
"hacky". This said, fncachestore (or maybe even basicstore) should IMHO
be extended so that one can at least query the mere existance of files
in less than O(log(n)) without crawling all the files in store by
calling datafiles() or even walking through the files in store.

Dominik Psenner
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