[PATCH 2 of 4 v2] killdaemons: add windows implementation

Martin Geisler mg at aragost.com
Tue Aug 21 09:35:27 UTC 2012

Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> writes:

> On 2012-08-21 09:09, Martin Geisler wrote:
>> Patrick Mezard <patrick at mezard.eu> writes:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User Patrick Mezard <patrick at mezard.eu>
>>> # Date 1345392375 -7200
>>> # Node ID 59dcbbaf61aee7f9b534454820ea00e1bf204c74
>>> # Parent  c581659d731a035d6768b7ffb33296ebdfc3cae7
>>> killdaemons: add windows implementation
>> Very nice! I had to run the tests on Windows and ran into exactly this
>> issue...
> I hope you have seen that I had proposed similar things before
> already, and the discussions with Mads and Matt around it.

I must admit that I've only kept half an eye on the discussions about
Windows testing. I noted that you've made huge progress and that we now
even have a Windows buildbot! Awesome!

> Which eventually lead me to fork the tests:
> https://bitbucket.org/abuehl/mercurial-testing

I hadn't noticed this.

> (I wondering a bit how you, Martin, are running the tests on Windows,
> as the "official" mercurial tree has been enabled to run the tests on
> Windows for a while now. The official tree still skips the "serve -d"
> tests though...)

Well, I didn't do much really. I just executed the command line that
'make local' would execute to build Mercurial, I installed MSYS, and
then run-tests.py worked out of the box. I didn't manipulate PATH,
TMPDIR, or PYTHONHOME like it is described on the wiki.

>> I worked around it by removing the os.kill(pid, 0) calls from
>> run-tests.py -- as of Python 2.7, os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) works
>> as it should on Windows:
>>   http://docs.python.org/library/os#os.kill
> [..]
>> Since this is for Windows, I'm okay with depending on a recent Python.
> Which is completely unneeded, given that the implementation of Python
> 2.7 just calls the TerminateProcess() API as well (as also documented
> at the link you posted).

I know... Maybe I should have written that we would be duplicating code
already in Python proper, and the (tiny) question is then if we want
that. I guess we do since it's a small piece of simple code.

I also wanted to write to let you, Patrick, Mads, and whoever else has
been working on the Windows testing code know that it's super cool that
we now have a test suite on that platform!

Martin Geisler

aragost Trifork
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